This page is a taxonomic index of every species of wild bird photographed by Paul Kienitz.
This page lists bird species that are normally seen in the San Francisco Bay Area, according to either or, plus of course any others that I happen to see. Some are linked to photographs; others don’t have any yet. Species names in italics are those that, as yet, I have not identified in the wild. All sightings and photographs are from within the Bay Area or nearby areas — usually the East Bay or North Bay — unless another location is noted.
Some photos might be fine portraits; others might be blurry messes. A five-pointed star (★) is used to mark the pictures that might count as good photographs, rather than just being identifiable bird images. As a rule, the linked picture is the best single shot I have of the species. Sometimes I include more than one shot, if I’ve managed to capture distinct plumages by sex or by season.
The taxonomic classification into orders, families, and so on is in flux as scientific debate continues. Also, the whole idea of dividing clades into such named levels was always bogus, and the more we learn, the more it breaks down. But while it lasts, I will use it here. The ordering I use is taken from the American Ornithological Union, which keeps up to date and helps arbitrate the latest scientific findings, but then boils the result down into a simple and usable list by omitting most of the clutter of superfamilies, suborders, infraclasses, “tribes”, and other in-between rankings — many of which don’t even get names anymore for what level they’re at, because they are proliferating so much that the old template is being overwhelmed. As straightforward and conservative as this scheme is, it has still involved major reorganization of this page since it was first put up. In a few cases I have included groupings which they omit (such as the suborders of Charadriiformes, to distinguish gulls and terns from plovers and sandpipers), and omitted a few that the AOU includes, in cases where they are both disuputed and uninformative.
Tyrant Flycatchers (family Tyrannidae)
Pewees (genus Contopus)
- Olive-sided Flycatcher [possible — very poor photograph]
- Western Wood-pewee [Sierraville, CA]
Least Flycatcher and allies (subfamily Fluvicolinae, genus Empidonax)
- Willow Flycatcher
- Hammond’s Flycatcher
- Pacific-slope Flycatcher [possibly seen, not photographed]
Phoebes (genus Sayornis)
Vermilion Flycatchers (genus Pyrocephalus)
- Vermilion Flycatcher [southeast Arizona]
Great Crested Flycatcher and allies (genus Myiarchus)
- Ash-throated Flycatcher [possible — poor photograph]
- Great Crested Flycatcher [Wisconsin]
Kiskadees (genus Pitangus)
- Great Kiskadee [Chichén Itzá, Yucatán]
Sulphur-bellied Flycatchers (genus Myiodynastes)
- Social Flycatcher [Chichén Itzá, Yucatán]
Kingbirds (genus Tyrannus)
- Tropical Kingbird [Rio Lagartos, Yucatán]
- Western Kingbird [southeast Arizona]
- Eastern Kingbird [Minnesota]
Shrikes (family Laniidae, genus Lanius)
Vireos (family Vireonidae, genus Vireo)
- Cassin’s Vireo
- Hutton’s Vireo
- Warbling Vireo
- Red-eyed Vireo
Crows and Jays (family Corvidae)
Central American Jays (genus Cyanocorax)
- Green Jay [Chichén Itzá, Yucatán]
- Yucatan Jay [Chichén Itzá, Yucatán]
Blue Jay and allies (genus Cyanocitta)
Scrub-jays (genus Aphelocoma)
Nutcrackers (genus Nucifraga)
Holarctic Magpies (genus Pica)
- Black-billed Magpie ★ [Sierraville, CA]
- Yellow-billed Magpie
True Crows (genus Corvus)
- American Crow
- Common Raven [northeast Arizona]
- Tamaulipas Crow [possible — Chichén Itzá, Yucatán]
Larks (family Alaudidae, genus Eremophila)
Swallows (family Hirundinidae)
Blue Martins (genus Progne)
- Purple Martin [possibly seen, not photographed — Sierraville, CA]
Tree Swallow and allies (genus Tachycineta)
- Tree Swallow: perched and in flight
- Violet-green Swallow
Rough-winged Swallows (genus Stelgidopteryx)
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Cliff-nesting Swallows (genus Petrochelidon)
Typical Swallows (genus Hirundo)
- Barn Swallow [Truckee, CA]
Chickadees and Titmice (family Paridae)
Chickadees and allies (genus Poecile)
- Black-capped Chickadee [Minnesota]
- Mountain Chickadee [seen but not photographed — Soda Springs, CA]
- Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Titmice (genus Baeolophus)
Long-tailed Tits (family Aegithalidae, genus Psaltriparus)
Nuthatches (family Sittidae, genus Sitta)
- Red-breasted Nuthatch
- White-breasted Nuthatch
- Pygmy Nuthatch
Treecreepers (family Certhidae, genus Certhia)
- Brown Creeper [seen but not photographed]
Wrens (family Troglodytidae)
Rock Wrens (genus Salpinctes)
- Rock Wren
Canyon Wrens (genus Catherpes)
- Canyon Wren
House Wren and allies (genus Troglodytes)
- House Wren [Utah]
- Pacific Wren
Bewick’s Wrens (genus Thryomanes)
Sedge Wren and allies (genus Cistothorus)
Gnatcatchers (family Polioptilidae, genus Polioptila)
Kinglets (family Regulidae, genus Regulus)
- Golden-crowned Kinglet
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Old World Warblers (family Sylviidae, genus Chamaea)
- Wrentit ★ (captured for banding)
White-eyes (family Zosteropidae, genus Zosterops)
- Japanese White-eye [Hawaii — invasive]
Thrushes (family Turdidae)
Bluebirds (genus Sialia)
Typical American Thrushes (genus Catharus)
- Swainson’s Thrush (captured for banding)
- Hermit Thrush (Pacific)
True Thrushes (genus Turdus)
- Clay-colored Thrush [Chichén Itzá, Yucatán]
- American Robin
Varied Thrushes (genus Ixoreus)
Mockingbirds and Catbirds (family Mimidae)
Gray Catbirds (genus Dumetella)
- Gray Catbird [Wisconsin]
Typical Thrashers (genus Toxostoma)
- California Thrasher
Typical Mockingbirds (genus Mimus)
Starlings and Mynas (family Sturnidae)
Typical Starlings (genus Sturnus)
- European Starling: molting juvenile and adult [invasive]
Typical Mynas (genus Acridotheres)
- Common Myna [Hawaii — invasive]
Wagtails and Pipits (family Motacillidae, genus Anthus)
Waxwings (family Bombycillidae, genus Bombycilla)
Silky-flycatchers (family Ptilogonatidae, genus Phainopepla)
- Phainopepla
Wood-warblers, or New World Warblers (family Parulidae)
Orange-crowned Warbler and allies (genus Oreothlypis)
- Orange-crowned Warbler [New Mexico]
- Nashville Warbler
Yellowthroats (genus Geothlypis)
- MacGillivray’s Warbler
- Common Yellowthroat
Typical New World Warblers (genus Setophaga)
- American Redstart: male and female [Wisconsin]
- Yellow Warbler
- Palm Warbler (Western)
- Yellow-rumped Warbler: first-winter female and adult
- Black-throated Gray Warbler
- Townsend’s Warbler: male and female
- Hermit Warbler
Canada Warbler and allies (genus Wilsonia)
- Wilson’s Warbler (blurry female)
Yellow-breasted Chats (genus Icteria ...possibly not a true warbler)
- Yellow-breasted Chat
American Sparrows (family Emberizidae)
Towhees (genus Pipilo)
Towhees (genus Melozone)
- California Towhee (a young one) ★
Rufous-crowned Sparrow and allies (genus Aimophila)
- Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Field Sparrow and allies (genus Spizella)
- American Tree Sparrow
- Chipping Sparrow [Minnesota]
Lark Sparrows (genus Chondestes)
Savannah Sparrows (genus Passerculus)
Grasshopper Sparrow and allies (genus Ammodramus)
- Grasshopper Sparrow
Fox Sparrows (genus Passerella)
Song Sparrows (genus Melospiza)
White-crowned Sparrow and allies (genus Zonotrichia)
Juncos (genus Junco)
Cardinals and allies (family Cardinalidae)
Saltators (genus Saltator)
- Black-headed Saltator [possible — Chichén Itzá, Yucatán]
- Grayish Saltator [Chichén Itzá, Yucatán]
Cardinal Tanagers (genus Piranga)
- Summer Tanager (female) [Chichén Itzá, Yucatán — uncertain]
- Western Tanager [Utah — blurry]
Cardinals (genus Cardinalis)
- Northern Cardinal (male)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak and allies (genus Pheucticus)
- Black-headed Grosbeak [Everett, WA]
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak male and female [Minnesota]
North American Buntings (genus Passerina)
- Blue Grosbeak
- Lazuli Bunting (male) [Utah]
- Indigo Bunting (male) [Minnesota]
New World Blackbirds (family Icteridae)
Typical American Blackbirds (genus Agelaius)
- Red-winged Blackbird: adult male, female (with messed-up feet), and juvenile
- Tricolored Blackbird
Meadowlarks (genus Sturnella)
Yellow-headed Blackbirds (genus Xanthocephalus)
- Yellow-headed Blackbird
Melodious Blackbird and allies (genus Dives)
Brewer’s and Rusty Blackbirds (genus Euphagus)
- Brewer’s Blackbird (female)
True Grackles (genus Quiscalus)
- Common Grackle [Minnesota]
- Great-tailed Grackle [Cancún, Quintana Roo]
True Cowbirds (genus Molothrus)
New World Orioles (genus Icterus)
- Altamira Oriole [Chichén Itzá, Yucatán]
- Hooded Oriole: male ★ and either female or juvenile
- Bullock’s Oriole: adult male, juvenile male
- Hooded Oriole: male ★ and either female or juvenile
- Baltimore Oriole ★ (male)
Finches (family Fringillidae, subfamily Carduelinae)
Rosefinches (genus Haemorhous)
- House Finch
- Purple Finch (blurry female — ignore male house finch behind her)
- Cassin’s Finch (probable — blurry female)
Goldfinches and Siskins (genus Spinus)
- Pine Siskin
- Lesser Goldfinch: male and female
- Lawrence’s Goldfinch
- American Goldfinch (mated pair)
Old World Sparrows (family Passeridae, genus Passer ...the bird that defines passerine-ness)
- House Sparrow [invasive — Truckee, CA]
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